To-Do Lists

Select the appropriate degree for a “To Do” list to prepare for graduation. Note that PhD students have two tabs – before and after the dissertation defense.

NOTE: early in the Fall semester, Spring semester, and Summer term, please watch for an e-mail from our academic staff that will ask you to complete a poll to tell us that you plan to graduate. Completing the poll is required to be able to begin your graduation conferral processing. You may not be able to graduate on time if you do not complete the poll.

Scroll down to view each of these items.

  1. Degree requirements
  2. For International Students
  3. Responsible Conduct of Research and Lab Safety courses
  4. Certificate of Completion
  5. Apply for graduation
  6. Confirm course grades
  7. Resolve financial obligations
  8. Return all keys
  9. What Happens Later

1. Degree Requirements

See the Graduate Academic Advising page > Master’s Degree requirements to confirm that you will complete the degree requirements by the planned graduation date.

A course is satisfactorily completed if a grade of A, B, or C is obtained. No more than one C grade can be counted toward these requirements.  Except for semesters affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, Pass grades are not accepted for courses counting toward the master’s degree.

COVID-19 and “Pass” grades:

The Mechanical Engineering MSE program recognizes that due to COVID-19, and the restrictions necessary to combat the illness, that the several semesters have been unusual, and students have faced unique struggles.

To help alleviate the difficulties that some students might be facing, modifications to grading policy have been made on using Pass grades for certain courses in Spring 2020, Fall 2020, and Spring 2021. Visit the Graduate Academic Advising page > Course Grading – Exceptions for Spring 2020, Fall 2020, and Spring 2021 for this information.

2. For International Students

If you have any questions about visa eligibility or to apply for OPT (Optional Practical Training), please contact the Office of International Services (OIS) to discuss your options.

IMPORTANT:  If you are planning to finish your degree with “all courses,” you must graduate in the semester you are eligible to graduate.  A student who is eligible to graduate cannot do research or take on employment at Johns Hopkins University after the semester in which he or she is eligible to graduate, unless the student applies for OPT and is hired as a staff member.  Please notify the OIS in the first couple weeks of the semester in which graduation is planned to discuss options and to apply for OPT.

3. Responsible Conduct of Research / Research Lab Safety

All master’s students must complete Responsible Conduct of Research training.  Visit the Responsible Conduct of Research page for information on how to complete the course.

To see if you completed the Responsible Conduct of Research training, look for either AS.360.624 or AS.360.625 Responsible Conduct of Research in your SIS record with a Pass grade. If it is there, you can complete the course.  If it is not there, visit > MyLearning and go to the My History Link. If it is listed there, download a certificate, which you can get by selecting the black “ribbon” icon on the right. That will be needed to submit with other documents to the department.

All master’s students must also complete Research Laboratory Safety – the required online safety modules and possibly the optional EN.500.601 Research Laboratory Safety course, if conducting research of any kind – for personal enrichment, academic credit, or for pay. See the Graduate Advising page and the section on Research Laboratory Safety – Requirements for information.

4. Complete the “Certificate of Completion”

Use this Certificate of Completion to note the courses you are using to complete the degree. For courses being taken in the current semester, leave the “grade” section blank.

NOTE:  you must also provide proof of your completion of the AS.360.624 or AS.360.625 Responsible Conduct of Research, either through your registration in SIS or a copy of your online certification from your “MyLearning” section on your account. The certificate will be in the “MyHistory” section.

Please have your advisor sign the form and mail it to the academic staff at [email protected].

5. Apply for Graduation

Apply for graduation online though your SIS account.

There are times when SIS will not accept an application for graduation:

  • If the deadline is missed to apply to graduate with a master’s degree for the current semester.
  • PhD students who are earning a master’s degree as SIS only recognizes the final PhD degree for graduation applications.
  • BS students who are also earning a master’s degree in their four undergraduate years as SIS only recognizes the BS degree for graduation applications.

For these instances, please use this Application for Graduation form. Once the form is completed, submit the form to the Student Enrollment and Account Management (SEAM) system > Records and Registration > Inquire or apply for graduation. Complete the info on the request and upload your form to the request and submit. You will get a confirmation e-mail with your case number. The Registrar will accept the form and update your SIS record.

The Registrar will contact you separately about commencement arrangements and ordering your diploma.

6. Confirm Course Grades

You must check your grades on SIS to make sure that you received a grade other than “Incomplete” or “Missing Record” any course other than those you’re taking in the current semester to complete the degree requirements. If you are missing grades or registrations, please contact the academic staff right away at [email protected].

7. Resolve Financial Obligations

Make sure that your financial obligations are paid, such as library fines or other bills owed. Your diploma will be withheld until your obligations are resolved.

8. Return All Keys

Return all keys issued to you from the Department of Mechanical Engineering. You will be refunded key deposits you paid when you received the keys. If you were issued keys by other departments, please return those keys to those departments.

9. What Happens Later

The Registrar will contact you about Commencement ceremony arrangements and to deliver your diploma. Contact the Registrar for information using the SEAM system > Graduation/commencement inquiry.

The Johns Hopkins Commencement page provides info on commencement ceremonies. This will be updated periodically. Contact the Commencement office at [email protected] or 410-516-7711 for information.

The Alumni Association will help with post-graduation services. Check out these pages:

For master’s students, your J-card access will end after your registration as a student ends unless you receive an admission, like PhD or are hired into a position, to remain on campus. Please contact the J-card office for information.

For Ph.D. students, your J-card access will continue since you will continue working as a student toward the Ph.D. degree.

Scroll down to view each of these items.

  1. Degree requirements
  2. For International Students
  3. Responsible Conduct of Research and Lab Safety courses
  4. Confirm course registration for final semester – including MSE Essay courses
  5. Save tuition! Submit essays during the Grace Period
  6. Check essay submission deadlines
  7. Certificate of Departmental Approval
  8. Apply for graduation
  9. Have essay approval letter written
  10. Submit essay and forward submission approval
  11. Confirm course grades
  12. Resolve financial obligations
  13. Return all Keys
  14. What Happens Later

1. Degree Requirements

Visit the Mechanical Engineering Graduate Advising Page – “Master’s Degree Requirements / Course Plan / Degree Timeline” section for the complete, detailed degree requirements.

Section A: Complete 8 one-semester courses approved by faculty advisor. A course is satisfactorily completed if a grade of A+ through B- is obtained. While a grade of C+, C, or C- are passing grades, they are not considered satisfactory performance. No more than one C grade can be counted toward these requirements.

Pass grades are not accepted for courses counting toward the master’s degree.

  • At least two courses should be in applied mathematics, numerical analysis or computational methods (this requirement can be waived in writing by the advisor if sufficient preparation in these areas can be demonstrated).
  • These courses cannot include Independent Study, Graduate Research, Seminar, or Special Studies courses.
  • Up to two courses may be chosen from the Engineering for Professionals Program.
  • No more than four courses may be at the advanced undergraduate (.400-.499) level.

Section B: Complete a master’s essay, as approved by a faculty advisor, with research or co-op experience.

  • Register for the appropriate master’s essay course, either EN.530.821 Master’s Essay – Research and Writing (Spring 2022 and earlier), EN.530.823 MSE Graduate Research (Fall 2022 and later), or EN.530.822 Master’s Essay – Co-Op for a total of at least six credits, either one semester for six credits or two semesters of three credits.
  • Visit the “Guidelines for the Preparation of Dissertations and Theses” page to ensure your essay is properly formatted.
  • The Department of Mechanical Engineering requires two readers: your advisor and one other reader approved by your advisor.
About “Pass” grades:

Pass grades will no longer be accepted for courses counting toward the master’s degree.

COVID-19 and “Pass” grades:

The Mechanical Engineering MSE program recognizes that due to COVID-19, and the restrictions necessary to combat the illness, that the several semesters have been unusual, and students have faced unique struggles.

To help alleviate the difficulties that some students might be facing, modifications to grading policy have been made on using Pass grades for certain courses in Spring 2020, Fall 2020, and Spring 2021. Visit the Graduate Academic Advising page > Course Grading – Exceptions for Spring 2020, Fall 2020, and Spring 2021 for this information.

2. For International Students

If you have any questions about visa eligibility or to apply for OPT (Optional Practical Training), please contact the Office of International Services (OIS) to discuss your options.

IMPORTANT:  You must graduate in the semester you are eligible to graduate.  A student who is eligible to graduate cannot do research or take on employment at Johns Hopkins University after the semester in which he or she is eligible to graduate, unless the student applies for OPT and is hired as a staff member.  Please notify the OIS in the first couple weeks of the semester in which graduation is planned to discuss options and to apply for OPT.

3. Responsible Conduct of Research / Research Lab Safety courses

All master’s students must complete Responsible Conduct of Research training.  Visit the Responsible Conduct of Research page for information on how to complete the course. 

To see if you completed the Responsible Conduct of Research training, look for either AS.360.624 or AS.360.625 Responsible Conduct of Research in your SIS record with a Pass grade. If it is there, you can complete the course.  If it is not there, visit > MyLearning and go to the My History Link. If it is listed there, download a certificate, which you can get by selecting the black “ribbon” icon on the right. That will be needed to submit with other documents to the department.

All master’s students must also complete Research Laboratory Safety – the required online safety modules and possibly the optional EN.500.601 Research Laboratory Safety course, if conducting research of any kind – for personal enrichment, academic credit, or for pay. See the Graduate Advising page and the section on Research Laboratory Safety – Requirements for information.

4. Confirm course registration for final semester

Master’s students must normally register for a class in the semester in which they are completing the degree in the grace period, per the Whiting School’s Academic Policies and Procedures.

If no classes are needed while completing an essay either in the grace period or anytime during the semester, it is strongly recommended that a student go on non-resident status to avoid paying full tuition or tuition-per-course, if on part-time status.

EN.530.821 Master’s Essay – Research and Writing (Spring 2022 and earlier), EN.530.823 MSE Graduate Research (Fall 2022 and later), or EN.530.822 Master’s Essay – Co-Op – 3-10 credits – students must enroll in one of these “Pass/Fail” courses when doing essay research or co-op for each semester where essay work is done.

This “Pass/Fail” course does not count as one of the eight courses required in addition to the essay. The course is generally the equivalent of six credits and can be taken in one semester or split into three-credit courses taken over two semesters. If a student needs subsequent semesters to continue essay work, he or she can simply register for the same course each semester.

5. Save Tuition! Submit your Essay during the Grace Period

You can avoid paying tuition in your last semester if you complete and submit your essay in the Grace Period:

  • Fall – within the first eight weeks of the semester
  • Spring – within the first four weeks of the semester

You can apply to waive payment of your tuition with the Final Semester Tuition Deferral using these forms for either Fall or Spring. You won’t have to pay tuition unless you finish after the Grace Period.

If you plan to submit your essay during the tuition Grace Period, instead of paying tuition:

This table summarizes required actions for each type of degree completion period:

Degree Completion Period Pre-Semester Completer Grace Period End of Semester (Fall or Spring)
Definition Submit and receive library approval of the master’s essay before the first day of class of the next semester Submit and receive library approval of master’s essay in Fall – 8 weeks or Spring – 4 weeks after the first day of class Submit and receive library approval of the master’s essay by the stated deadline for the semester
Pay Tuition? No No, but must submit a Tuition Deferral Waiver. See #5 above. Yes, for the current semester
Register for a Course? No Yes, register for the appropriate course for the final semester. See #4 above. Yes, register for the appropriate course for the final semester. See #4 above.

6. Be Aware of Deadlines

Visit the Whiting School “Master’s Degree Completion Schedule” web page to ensure that you are meeting the required essay submission deadlines. Please see the important SPECIAL NOTE in Section 9 of this page about when to submit the essay.

7. Complete the “Certificate of Completion”

Use this Certificate of Completion to note the courses you are using to complete the degree. For courses being taken in the current semester, leave the “grade” section blank.

NOTE:  you must also provide proof of your completion of the AS.360.624 or AS.360.625 Responsible Conduct of Research, either through your registration in SIS or a copy of your online certified from your “MyLearning” section on your account. The certificate will be in the “MyHistory” section.

Please have your advisor sign the form and send it to the academic staff at [email protected].

8. Apply for Graduation

Apply for graduation online though your SIS account.

There are times when SIS will not accept an application for graduation:

  • If the deadline is missed to apply to graduate with a master’s degree for the current semester.
  • PhD students who are earning a master’s degree as SIS only recognizes the final Ph.D. degree.

For these instances, please use this Application for Graduation form. Once the form is completed, submit the form to the Student Enrollment and Account Management (SEAM) system > > Records and Registration > Inquire or apply for graduation. Complete the info on the request and upload your form to the request and submit. You will get a confirmation e-mail with your case number. The Registrar will accept the form and update your SIS record.

The Registrar will contact you separately about commencement arrangements and ordering your diploma.

9. Have an Essay Approval Letter Written

Please have your advisor write a brief letter stating that the essay has been reviewed and approved and is ready for submission. Please have the title of the essay and the names of the essay readers in the letter and forward the letter to the academic staff at [email protected].

10. Submit your Essay and Forward Submission Approval

There is a $60 charge for essay submissions that the Mechanical Engineering department will pay for you.  There are two steps to take:

  1. Submit the Submission Fee Form with your essay file to the Hopkins Essay and Dissertation Submission System.  Do not pay for the submission yourself and request reimbursement later from the department.  Use only the Submission Fee Form.
  2. Send a copy of the completed form to the department’s budget specialist, Amanda Stevens at [email protected], who needs the form for account reconciliation.

If you pay for the essay submission yourself without sending the Submission Fee form, you will have to submit the request yourself through the Concur system, which is a cumbersome process.

Be sure to submit your essay before the submission deadlines.

Note that the submission deadline states that both the essay submission to the library and the submission of the proof of approval from the library must be completed by a certain date. It is strongly recommended that you submit your essay to the library at least two business days before the stated deadline to allow the library to review and approve the essay submission. Do not wait until the stated deadline to submit the essay as the library’s approval will not be sent until after the deadline, which will negatively affect your ability to graduate on time.

When you receive the e-mail confirmation and approval of your essay submission from the Eisenhower Library, forward the e-mail, along with a .pdf copy of your essay title and abstract pages, to both the academic staff at [email protected] and Christine Kavanagh, Associate Dean of Graduate Affairs of the Whiting School.

11. Confirm Course Grades

You must check your grades on SIS to make sure that you received a grade other than “Incomplete” or “Missing Record” any course other than those you’re taking in the current semester to complete the degree requirements. If you are missing grades or registrations, please contact the academic staff at [email protected] right away.

12. Resolve Financial Obligations

Make sure that your financial obligations are paid, such as library fines or other bills owed. Your diploma will be withheld until your obligations are resolved.

13. Return All Keys

Return all keys issued to you from the Department of Mechanical Engineering. You will be refunded key deposits you paid when you received the keys. If you were issued keys by other departments, please return those keys to those departments.

14. What Happens Later

The Registrar will contact you about Commencement ceremony arrangements and to deliver your diploma. Contact the Registrar for information using the SEAM system > Graduation/commencement inquiry.

The Johns Hopkins Commencement page provides info on commencement ceremonies. This will be updated periodically. Contact the Commencement office at [email protected] or 410-516-7711 for information.

The Alumni Association will help with post-graduation services. Check out these pages:

For master’s students, your J-card access will end after your registration as a student ends unless you receive an admission, like PhD or are hired into a position, to remain on campus. Please contact the J-card office for information.

For Ph.D. students, your J-card access will continue since you will continue working as a student toward the Ph.D. degree.

“To Do” List

  1. International Students – consult with the Office of International Services for OPT and EAD card
  2. Complete a Tuition Deferral Form (if submitting in Grace Period)
  3. Schedule the Dissertation Defense (and Final GBO, as needed) – Advance Notice Required:  Final GBO and Defense – 8 weeks, Defense only – 3 weeks
  4. Course Registration – Final Semester
  5. Dissertation Format
  6. Dissertation Readers – Who can Be One
  7. Confirm Fulfillment of Academic Requirements and Grades
  8. Before defending, submit PhD Certificate of Completion form and fully graded unofficial transcript
  9. Dissertation Readers’ Letter
  10. Check Deadlines
  11. Arrange Postdoc Appointment, if receiving one
  12. Advance Notice Required – Send Dissertation Title, Abstract, Reader Info, and Final Pay Day Info

1. International Students – Contact the International Office

Make an appointment with the Office of International Services three to six months in advance of your defense to start appropriate action to keep you in compliance with visa regulations after your defense, as well as apply for the EAD card for Optional Practical Training, if necessary.

2. Tuition Deferral during Grace Period

If you plan to submit your dissertation in the Grace Period:

  • 8 weeks after the start of the Fall semester
  • 4 weeks after the start of the Spring semester

You can apply to waive payment of your tuition with the Final Semester Tuition Deferral for either Fall or Spring. You won’t have to pay tuition unless you finish after the Grace Period.  Please submit the completed form to the Student Accounts office through SEAM > Billing, Payments, and Refunds.

3. Schedule the Dissertation Defense (and final GBO, as needed) – Advance Notice is Required

View the Mechanical Engineering Ph.D. Graduate Student manual on the Graduate Advising page for information. 

  • NEW PROCESS – See Section 5 if following the new process of the combined final Graduate Board Oral examination and Dissertation Defense.
    • Please complete this GBO scheduling request form and submit it to the academic staff at [email protected].
    • A minimum of at least eight weeks advance notice is required to schedule the GBO and the defense.  This will allow time to confirm availability of the proposed examiners and notify the Graduate Board by their notification deadlines. The academic staff will assist with room arrangements and any special needs.
  • LEGACY (OLD) PROCESS – See Section 6 if following the legacy process of the preliminary Graduate Board Oral examination and Dissertation Defense.  First confirm that an unconditional pass has been earned for the GBO. A minimum of three weeks’ advance notice is required before the scheduled defense to request a room. Select a date and time for your defense. Contact the academic staff at [email protected] to reserve a room.

The Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student Association (MEGA) will reimburse up to $100 for dissertation defense celebration expenses! Contact MEGA at [email protected] and provide the following:

  • Event Name: (example: Dissertation “name” celebration)
  • Number of People: (example: 10)
  • Affiliations: (example: Masters students, PhD students, staff, faculty, etc. – write down affiliations of everyone involved)
  • Location (on campus): (example: Hackerman B17)
  • Attach all receipts from your event and state the dollar amount (up to $100) you would like reimbursed.
  • Please also note:
    • Sales tax is not reimbursed.
    • Only on-campus celebrations are eligible for reimbursements.
    • Food and drink can be ordered from outside restaurants but must be consumed on-campus.

4. Course Registration during Final Semester

If you complete your requirements during the Fall or Spring semester, you must be registered for one course.

  • Resident students must register for EN.530.801 Graduate Research for 20 credits.
  • Non-resident students must register for EN.910.600, the “Non-Resident Status ‘course’.”
  • All students active in summer terms must register for EN.530.897 Summer – Graduate Research for 9 credits. No tuition is charged.

If you complete your degree during the summer and submit your dissertation before the first day of class of the Fall semester, you will not have to register for a Fall semester course.

This table summarizes required actions for each type of degree completion period:

Degree Completion Period Pre-Semester Completer Grace Period End of Semester (Fall or Spring)
Definition Submit and receive library approval of the PhD dissertation before the first day of class of the next semester Submit and receive library approval of the PhD dissertation in Fall – 8 weeks or Spring – 4 weeks after the first day of class Submit and receive library approval of the PhD dissertation by the stated deadline for the semester
Pay Tuition? No No, but must submit a Tuition Deferral Waiver. See #2 above. Yes, for the current semester
Register for a Course? No Yes, register for EN.530.801 PhD Graduate Research for final semester. See #3 above. Yes, register for EN.530.801 PhD Graduate Research for final semester. See #3 above.

5. Review your Dissertation Format

Before you submit your dissertation for your advisor’s and readers’ review, please ensure that your dissertation format meets the University’s guidelines for style and format.

6. Dissertation Readers – Who Can Be One

While the University requires only two readers: your advisor and another Johns Hopkins University professor, the Department of Mechanical Engineering requires a third reader. Your readers must include the following:

  1. Your advisor
  2. Another Johns Hopkins University professor from Mechanical Engineering or any department, approved by your advisor
  3. Any other reader, whether a JHU professor or other person, approved by your advisor

Additional details are on the Graduate Board’s “Graduate Board – Degree Candidacy” page. Note that on that page, the Graduate Board refers to the Dissertation Defense as the “Final Graduate Board Oral Exam.” Some parameters are different from what the department requires, so please follow the requirements on this page to prepare.

7. Confirm Fulfillment of All Academic Requirements, including Grades

You must check your grades for all courses on SIS. Make sure that you registered for and received a passing or acceptable letter grade (either P, or B- or higher) for 530.801 PhD Graduate Research every semester. You must receive a “Pass” or letter grade and not an “Incomplete” (I) or “Missing Record” (MR) or (X) for them.

You must confirm that you enrolled in the course 530.803 Mechanical Engineering Graduate Seminar for at least six semesters, usually your first three years that you were here, and that you received a “Pass” grade and not an “Incomplete” or “Missing Record” for them.

If you are missing grades or registrations, you must contact the academic staff at [email protected] right away to arrange for retroactive registrations or grade submissions. This is a requirement to earn the Ph.D. degree.

8. Before defending, submit PhD Certificate of Completion form and fully-graded unofficial transcript

The department has created this PhD Certificate of Completion to help confirm that all requirements are complete. Please complete this form and download a copy of your unofficial transcript from SIS showing that all courses except for the most current semester have been graded.

Send both the certificate and the transcript to the academic staff at [email protected]. Both must be submitted before the dissertation defense is presented.

9. Dissertation Readers’ Letter

Ask your advisor to use this template to create a letter stating that you have met the requirements for your Ph.D.

At the at the completion of your defense your advisor and readers will sign the letter and give the signed letter to the academic staff at [email protected] to send to the Graduate Board.

10. Be Aware of Dissertation Submission Deadlines

There is no specific deadline to hold the Dissertation Defense in the Whiting School of Engineering, but you will want to hold the defense early enough to ensure that you can complete all dissertation edits, obtain final approval, and properly format your dissertation to be able to submit your dissertation to the library by the dissertation submission deadline. It is suggested that you hold the defense at least 10 days before the submission deadline, but you can propose and decide on an appropriate defense date with your advisor.

Visit the Graduate Board website to ensure that you are meeting the required dissertation submission deadlines. Please see the important SPECIAL NOTE in Section 1 of the “PhD – After the Defense” bar of this page about when to submit the dissertation.

11. Becoming a Postdoc or Staff Member in the JHU Department of Mechanical Engineering?

After your defense and dissertation submission, if you are being hired as a postdoc or a staff member in our department, please have your advisor contact Administrator Ada Simari right away to arrange the hire.

12. Three Weeks’ Advance Notice Required – Send Dissertation Title, Abstract, Reader Info, and Final Pay Day Info

ABSTRACT and TITLE – Please e-mail a copy of your abstract to the academic staff at [email protected], including the dissertation’s title, three weeks before the defense date. We will announce your defense via e-mail to the department.

READERS – The Graduate Board requires that your readers be your advisor and another JHU professor. Mechanical Engineering requires a third reader, who can be inside or outside of JHU. Please send  the names and contact information of your dissertation defense readers to the academic staff at [email protected]. We will confirm that they are eligible readers. About three to five days before your defense, he will send a reminder to your advisor and readers to attend the defense.

FINAL PAY DAY – Ask your advisor to determine the last day that he or she plans to pay your graduate student salary. Your advisor must notify the academic staff of that intended final pay date at least three weeks in advance.

  1. Submit Final Dissertation / Provide Department with Submission Fee Form
  2. E-mail Submission Receipt and Dissertation Title
  3. Three Weeks’ Advance Notice Required– Salary – Confirm Final Pay Day
  4. Resolve Financial Obligations
  5. Return all Keys
  6. Apply for Graduation
  7. What Happens Later

1. Submit Final Dissertation / Provide Department with Submission Fee Form…we will pay it

There is a $60 charge for essay submissions that the Mechanical Engineering department will pay for you.  There are two steps to take:

  1. Submit the Submission Fee Form with your essay file to the Hopkins Essay and Dissertation Submission System.  Do not pay for the submission yourself and request reimbursement later from the department.  Use only the Submission Fee Form.
  2. Send a copy of the completed form to the department’s budget specialist, Amanda Stevens at [email protected], who needs the form for account reconciliation.

If you pay for the essay submission yourself without sending the Submission Fee form, you will have to submit the request yourself through the Concur system, which is a cumbersome process.

Be sure to submit your essay before the submission deadlines.

Note that the submission deadline states that both the dissertation submission to the library and the submission of the proof of approval from the library must be completed by a certain date. It is strongly recommended that you submit your dissertation to the library at least two business days before the stated deadline to allow the library to review and approve the dissertation submission. Do not wait to submit the dissertation until the stated deadline as the library’s approval will not be sent until after the deadline, which will negatively affect your ability to graduate on time.

For information, contact Eisenhower Library’s Scholarly Digital Initiatives at 410-516-7720 or [email protected].

2. E-mail Submission Receipt and Dissertation Title

When you receive the e-mail confirmation and approval of your dissertation submission from the Eisenhower Library, forward the e-mail, along with a .pdf copy of your dissertation title and abstract pages, to both the academic staff at [email protected] and Christine Kavanagh, Associate Dean of Graduate Affairs of the Whiting School.

3. Three Weeks’ Advance Notice Required – Salary – Confirm Final Pay Day

Graduate student salary can be paid through the conferral date of the semester in which the student completes the degree requirements.

  • Spring completion – the last day a student can be paid is Commencement Day in late-May.
  • Summer completion – the last day a student can be paid is the day before the Fall semester classes begin in late-August.
  • Fall completion – the last day he or she can be paid is usually December 30.

Even after a student submits the dissertation to the library, the salary can continue until the conferral date.

You must have your advisor determine the final pay day for your salary and notify Academic Program Manager Mike Bernard at least three weeks in advance of that date.

NOTE: If notification is received less than three weeks before the intended final pay day, your advisor may be required to pay you beyond the intended final pay day or you may be required through collection action to refund salary paid beyond the final pay day.

The final pay day may affect the eligibility date for postdoc appointments, so if you will become a postdoc, please have your advisor work with Administrator Ada Simari to determine that date.

4. Resolve Financial Obligations

Make sure that your financial obligations are paid, such as library fines or other bills owed. Your diploma will be withheld until your obligations are resolved.

5. Return All Keys

Return all keys issued to you from the Department of Mechanical Engineering. You will be refunded key deposits you paid when you received the keys. If you were issued keys by other departments, please return those keys to those departments.

6. Apply for Graduation

Apply for graduation online though your SIS account. If you are unable to because of technical or administrative difficulties, you can submit the Application for Graduation. Once the form is completed, submit the form to the Student Enrollment and Account Management (SEAM) system > Records and Registration > Inquire or apply for graduation. Complete the info on the request and upload your form to the request and submit. You will get a confirmation e-mail with your case number. The Registrar will accept the form and update your SIS record.

7. What Happens Later

The Registrar will contact you about Commencement ceremony arrangements and to deliver your diploma. Contact the Registrar for information using the SEAM system > Graduation/commencement inquiry.

The Johns Hopkins Commencement page provides info on commencement ceremonies. This will be updated periodically. Contact the Commencement office at [email protected] or 410-516-7711 for information.

The Alumni Association will help with post-graduation services. Check out these pages:

Your J-card access will end after your registration as a student ends unless you receive an appointment, like postdoc, to remain on campus. Please contact the J-card office for information.

There are a variety of options to obtain confirmation of degree completion, also called an “anticipated degree completion” letter. This may be necessary if one’s diploma has not yet been issued or if confirmation other than a diploma is necessary.

  • Many employers, universities, and entities will accept a letter from the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Please contact the academic staff at [email protected] to request an “anticipated degree completion” letter.
  • Some employers, universities, and entities will require confirmation at the school or university level. Please contact Christine Kavanagh, Associate Dean for Graduate Affairs at [email protected] to request this “anticipated degree completion” letter.
  • The Registrar will provide degree verifications after the degree is conferred. Visit the Enrollment and Degree Verifications page to request one.