Recent News
A. Michael West Jr. graduated from MIT in 2024
Autonomous system IDs and treats internal bleeding to prevent pre-hospital deaths
Junjie Chen, fifth-year PhD student of mechanical engineering, presented his research project, “Controlling Cell Behavior with Engineered Magnetosensitive Proteins,” at the Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, held Feb. 10-14 in Philadelphia.…
Byunggik (Jason) Kim, a fourth-year doctoral student in mechanical engineering, has been awarded a predoctoral fellowship by the American Heart Association. This two-year fellowship, worth $29,144 per year, will support…
Miguel X. Diaz-Lopez, a third-year doctoral student in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, has been selected to receive two prestigious national research fellowships.
Lunar landings
CategoriesTo prepare for NASA's Artemis missions, graduate students Juan Sebastian Rubio, Miguel X. Diaz-Lopez, and Matt Gorman ran a series of experiments to understand plume surface interactions— or what will happen when a landing spacecraft approaches the lunar surface.
PhD candidate Karthik Menon wins inaugural Mark O. Robbins Prize in High-Performance Computing
CategoriesThe Robbins prize was instigated in 2020 to recognize outstandingly talented PhD students who reflect Dr. Robbins contributions to computational science and engineering.
The four-year, $182,080 grant will provide Pittman with mentored research training and will support his dissertation work, which focuses on the role of viscosity in basic cell behavior and function.