Recent News
Mechanical Engineering PhD student Aditya Aiyer was recently featured by Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) for his research on the dynamics between oil droplets and turbulent flows.
Farshid Alambeigi, a PhD candidate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, was recently named a 2019 Siebel Scholar, an annual award that recognizes nearly 100 of the top graduate students nationwide in business, bioengineering, computer science, and energy science programs.
Undergrads from universities nationwide dove headfirst into exciting Hopkin research projects as part of the NSF's Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program in Computational Sensing and Medical Robotics (CSMR).
Yik Tung Tracy Ling, a PhD student in mechanical engineering, was awarded first place in the 2018 ASME Master’s Level Paper Competition at the 8th World Congress in Biomechanics, held…
Despite their full course loads, a team of Johns Hopkins mechanical engineering students found the time to take on a very special project this semester. Caterina Esposito, Emily Maheras, Mariah…
Connor Joyce will join the U.S. Army as second lieutenant after graduation.
Congratulations to Genevieve Starke and Neha Thomas, who have earned prestigious fellowship awards through the National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP). This program recognizes outstanding graduate student researchers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, providing the 2,000 awardees with three years of financial support.
The URAP internship helps undergraduate students develop skills in Army critical science and engineering research areas in a university lab setting, while preparing them for the next steps of their educational and professional career.
The SLAS (Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening) has selected Santosh Paidi, a graduate research assistant in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Johns Hopkins University, as the recipient of the 2018 SLAS Graduate Education Fellowship Grant.
Four members of the Baja team traveled to Barclay Elementary/Middle School to show this year’s car to 17 students, and explain engineering principles that allowed them to build it.
Two Hopkins engineers, Sophia Porter and Courtney Schmitt, are among 41 young leaders selected as 2018 Brooke Owens Fellows. The Brooke Owens Fellowship Program is an award-winning, volunteer-led program awarding internships and senior mentorship to exceptional undergraduate women seeking careers in aviation or space exploration.