The Mechanical Engineering department at Johns Hopkins University is renowned for its excellence in both research and education across a broad spectrum of mechanical engineering-related disciplines. Our MSE Mechanical Engineering tracks harness this deep expertise to provide master’s students with an exceptional opportunity to tailor their program of study to their specific technical interests.

A student taking a track would be required to take a specific number of courses depending on their degree option

  • ALL-COURSE:  5 courses totaling at least 15 credits in the chosen Track
  • ESSAY – RESEARCH:  4 courses totaling at least 12 credits plus 6 credits of Track-related research via EN.530.823 MSE Graduate Research
  • ESSAY – CO-OP:  4 courses totaling at least 12 credits plus 6 credits of Track-related research via EN.530.822 Master’s Essay – Co-Op.

Students will select their Tracks under the guidance of their academic advisor during the first or second semesters of their program. Note: these Tracks are different from the “Areas of Interest” that applicants are asked to select on their graduate applications. Though some areas of interest have the same or similar titles to the course specializations below, they each address different items.

Tracks are optional, and students can earn up to two tracks per degree.  Courses appearing in more than one track can be double-counted in two tracks if a student is taking two tracks that include the same course.

Students should be aware of the master’s degree requirements when selecting a track and related courses, as there are limits on the number of courses that can be taken from the Engineering for Professionals.  See Section 3.2 of the Master’s Advising Manual, which can be found on the Graduate Advising page > Advising Manuals > Master’s.

Students successfully completing a Track will receive a Certificate of Track Completion from the Department at the time of graduation.

These are the tracks that can be completed:

  • Advanced Manufacturing
  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Biomechanical Engineering
  • Computation, Data Science, and Machine Learning
  • Energy and the Environment
  • Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Science
  • Interdisciplinary Track
  • Mechanical Design
  • Mechanics and Materials
  • Nano-Science and Engineering
  • Robotics and Intelligent Systems
  • Space Engineering

For courses listed in each track, if there are two course numbers for one course, the first is the undergraduate level (e.g. EN.530.438) and the second is the graduate level (e.g. EN.530.638) of the same course. Typically, course content is more advanced and there are usually more complex assignments in the graduate level compared to the undergraduate level.

The MSE Mechanical Engineering Tracks

These courses can be counted toward the Advanced Manufacturing track.  Select the link for each course to learn more about the course.

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Other Departments

These courses can be counted toward the Aerospace Engineering track.  Select the link for each course to learn more about the course.

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Other Departments

Engineering for Professionals

  • EN.535.761 Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics
  • EN.675.725 Fundamentals of Spacecraft Thermal Design and Analysis

These courses can be counted toward the Biomechanics track.  Select the link for each course to learn more about the course.

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Other Departments

Engineering for Professionals

These courses can be counted toward the Computation, Data Science, and Machine Learning track.  Select the link for each course to learn more about the course.

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Other Departments

These courses can be counted toward the Energy and Environment track.  Select the link for each course to learn more about the course.

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Other Departments

Engineering for Professionals

  • EN.575.763 Nanotechnology and the Environment: Applications and Implications

These courses can be counted toward the Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Science track.  Select the link for each course to learn more about the course.

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Other Departments

Engineering for Professionals

Students can create a program of study from any approved and eligible courses from any one or more disciplines shown on this page or propose their own discipline(s). Students will work with their academic advisors to select disciplines and related courses.

These courses can be counted toward the Mechanical Design track.  Select the link for each course to learn more about the course.

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Other Departments

Engineering for Professionals

These courses can be counted toward the Mechanics and Materials track.  Select the link for each course to learn more about the course.

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Other Departments

These courses can be counted toward the Nano-Science and Engineering track.  Select the link for each course to learn more about the course.

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Other Departments

Engineering for Professionals

  • EN.535.750 Biomechanics of the Cell: From Nano- and Micro-mechanics to Cell Organization and Function
  • EN.545.640 Micro- and Nanotechnology
  • EN.575.763 Nanotechnology and the Environment: Applications and Implications

These courses can be counted toward the Robotics and Intelligent Systems track.  Select the link for each course to learn more about the course.

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Other Departments

NOTE:  It is strongly recommended that students do not take EN.530.646 Robot Devices, Kinematics, Dynamics, and Control and EN.601.663 Algorithms for Sensor-Based Robotics in the same semester. If you plan to take both, take them in different semesters.

These courses can be counted toward the Space Engineering track.  Select the link for each course to learn more about the course.

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Engineering for Professionals

  • EN.675.600 Systems Engineering for Space
  • EN.675.601 Fundamentals of Engineering Space Systems I
  • EN.675.602 Fundamentals of Engineering Space Systems II
  • EN.675.701 Applications of Space Systems Engineering
  • EN.675.710 Small Satellite Development and Experimentation

Seeking More Info?

Rajat Mittal

Director of Master's Studies
Latrobe 126

Mike Bernard

Academic Program Manager
Latrobe 223

John Soos

Sr. Academic Program Coordinator
Latrobe 223