Title: “Seeing beyond the time limit in nanoscale bioimaging”
Abstract: Light-matter interactions play essential roles in realizing a new generation of nanoscale imaging to overcome traditional trade-offs between spatial resolution and time capabilities. By harnessing engineered nanophotonic materials, scattered light can be shaped to enhance light matter interactions for nanoscale bioimaging. We achieved nanoscale bioimaging with record long time capabilities. Long time nanoscopy has the potential to unlock a wide range of new dynamical studies and insights in assembly, organization and pattern formation in biological and material systems, where nanoscopic rearrangements drive group-level movements at the macroscale over time.
Bio: Somin Eunice Lee received bachelor’s and master’s degrees in electrical engineering at the University of California, Davis, and a PhD in bioengineering at the University of California, Berkeley, as a Siebel Scholar. She demonstrated optical gene silencing and showed that gene circuits in living cells can be precisely controlled using plasmonic nanoantennas. She then completed her postdoctoral studies at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory as an NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein Postdoctoral Fellow, where she explored secreted single molecules within their local cellular microenvironment using plasmonic approaches. She is currently an Assistant Professor in Electrical & Computer Engineering Department and an affiliated Assistant Professor in the Biomedical Engineering Department. She is also affiliated with the Solid State Electronics Laboratory, the Biointerfaces Institute, the Applied Physics Program, and the Bioplasmonics Group. She is the recipient of the 2016 AFOSR YIP Award and the 2015 NSF CAREER Award. Her research interests lie in advancing innovations in nanoscale-dependent properties to enable unique spatial and temporal capabilities needed for quantification in bioscience and medicine.
Website: https://bme.umich.edu/people/somin-lee/
Host: Yun Chen
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