Visit the new MSE Mechanical Engineering Tracks page!  The Tracks program will launch in Fall 2025.

No matter which option you choose for your Master’s Degree (MSE) in Mechanical Engineering at Johns Hopkins – all-course, essay – research essay, or essay – co-op – you have the option to concentrate your coursework in one or two fields or explore a variety of specializations!

These are many of the topics covered in courses offered by the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Whiting School of Engineering.

(Note:  these course specializations are different from the “area of interest” that applicants are asked to select on their graduate applications.  Though some areas of interest have the same or similar titles to the course specializations below, they each address different items.)

In each section, you can select any course number to view the Johns Hopkins Public Course Search page for that course’s information including course descriptions, offering frequency, instructors, and session days and times. Courses with two course numbers denote the upper-undergraduate and the graduate level of the course, all which can count toward the MSE Mechanical Engineering degree.

NOTE:  It is strongly recommended that students do not take EN.530.646 Robot Devices, Kinematics, Dynamics, and Control and EN.601.663 Algorithms for Sensor-Based Robotics in the same semester. If you plan to take both, take them in different semesters.

Seeking More Info?

Contact Us!

Rajat Mittal

Director of Master's Studies
Latrobe 126

Mike Bernard

Academic Program Manager
Latrobe 223

John Soos

Sr. Academic Program Coordinator
Latrobe 223