Table of Contents

Emergency! Dial JHU Security at: <fc #ff0000>410-516-7777</fc>

<fc #ff0000>You should enter the number for JHU Security in your phone so that if there is an emergency and you need to leave the room (generally first thing to do), you will be able to call JHU Security from the hallway.</fc>

Chemical Inventory

Latrobe 216A Soft Tissues Mechanics Lab


Latrobe B1 Polymer Thermomechanics Lab


Safety Training

Before you get started you must complete:

as soon as possible. The lab safety training must be done before any work can be performed in any of the Labs. The basic safety training and RCR must be taken as soon as possible. For more information on the training necessary to access each lab, follow the Lab Safety link below.

Basic Safety Training

Lab Safety

Responsible Conduct of Research


Whiting School's lab safety- resource for all updated informations on trainings, chemical waste disposal, emergency response, …

Contact The ME Department's Lab Manager/Safety Officer, Tom Benassi ( if you have questions regarding the Department and WSE safety policy, if you have a safety concern in lab, if you'd like additional training.

Lab supplies

Ordering general supplies:

Need a chemical or material ordered and don't know how? If the total order is more than $50, then I (Vicky) must approve them. Send me an email with the item, part number, quantity, and cost. If I approve then send the information to Shawna OBrien in the ME Department office and CC me. You will need to provide her a budget number. Shawna is very helpful but she still needs as much information as you can give her. Don't forget to tell her the quantities needed. If you provide a link (to the exact Amazon product you want for example), that will make her life easier and will avoid confusions, delays, or you not getting what you need.

Common Lab Supplies and vendors

Ordering Liquid nitrogen for Latrobe B1 Polymer testing Lab

Custom Acrylic Holder Model Files



Manuals and Training Soft Tissue Mechanics BL2 Lab Latrobe 216A

Guidelines for Working in BL2 Latrobe 216A Lab

Biosafety Level 2 Protocol

Biohazard trash and chemical waste disposal


Manuals and Training Polymer Testing Lab Latrobe B1

Use of Liquid nitrogen to perform thermomechanical testing

MTS Insight 5 Tensile machine with environmental chamber

Dynamic Mechanical Analysis TA Q800

Smaller equipments (balance, oxygen monitor, oven, incubator, hood)

Biohazard trash and chemical waste disposal

Experimental Protocols

A collection of current and past protocols developed by students and postdocs in the lab.

Experimental protocols

Online statistical power calculator

Data Analysis

Digital Volume Correlation