Guidelines for working in the BL2 Lab in Latrobe 216A BM 09/10/13
Note : This lab is a BL2 lab where we handle animal and human samples. Always consider the space as potentially contaminated, so please follow the safety guidelines at all times.
-Do not eat or drink in the lab. Wear a lab coat, gloves and closed shoes at all times. Wear safety goggles and masks as required by your experimental protocol.
-Do not bring personal items into the lab.
-Avoid taking something out of the lab, but if needed, wipe it out thoroughly with alcohol/bleach before doing so.
-Remove gloves prior to touching the door handle when exiting.
-Handle all the equipment with care and avoid rushing when doing things to avoid accidents.
-When noticing that the lab is running low on an item, please contact Michelle Chen or Dan Midgett immediately so that an order can be placed before actually running out of it.
-When bringing a new chemical/solution into the lab, inform Michelle Chen or Dan Midgett so that they can approve it and add it to the chemical inventory list. All new chemicals brought in the lab should be clearly labeled with the name of the product, the name of the person using it and the opening date (or day on which it was made), otherwise they will be thrown away.
-Always ask before using items belonging to someone else.
-Always clean up after yourself!
-All trash (except sharps) goes into the red biohazard bag. Sharps (including needles, razor blades and broken glass) go into the red sharp disposal box located on the left of the sink. Biological specimens can be trashed directly into the red bag if the biohazard box is to be disposed of on the same day. If not, store the samples in the freezer until you dispose of the box. Do not overfill the box!
-To dispose of the biohazard box, close the red bag with a single knot or using a plastic tightening strap. Tape the box close using wide tape. Place the box outside Barton Hall (south end of Latrobe Hall). Do not place the box there if raining or on Friday afternoon.
-Clean all contaminated surfaces and instruments with a 1:10 dilution of bleach, freshly prepared, after each experiment. Wipe contaminated surfaces will be wiped down and soak instruments in the bleach solution for 20 minutes. Dispose all waste generated from the experiments in the marked biohazard burn boxes, and all sharps (i.e. broken glass, scalpel blades, etc.) will be disposed in marked biohazard sharps containers.