Decomposition of the Spatially Filtered and Ensemble Averaged
Kinetic Energy, the Associated Fluxes and Scaling Trends in a Rotor
Y-C Chow, O. Uzol, J. Katz & C. Meneveau
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD 21218
ABSTRACT: PIV data obtained in the rotor wake of a turbomachine
is used for examining elements of the ensemble averaged and spatially
filtered kinetic energy. These two distinct averaging processes decompose
the kinetic energy into four parts, consisting of the mean-flow resolved,
mean-flow subgrid, fluctuating resolved, and fluctuating subgrid
parts. Their evolution equations include energy flux terms among
these parts. The results elucidate the fundamental difference between
the filtered turbulence (Reynolds) production and the ensemble averaged
subgrid scale (SGS) dissipation rates. Each of these terms consist
of three energy fluxes, but only one of them is common to both, the
flux from the mean-flow resolved to the fluctuating subgrid kinetic
energy parts. The other two elements of the SGS dissipation are the
fluxes from the mean-flow resolved to the mean-flow subgrid parts
and the fluctuating resolved to the fluctuating subgrid parts. Likewise,
the other two contributions to the turbulence production are the
fluxes from the mean-flow resolved to the fluctuating resolved parts
and the mean-flow subgrid to the fluctuating subgrid parts. In order
to examine the decay rates of the kinetic energy parts throughout
the rotor wake, a new method for determining the scaling parameters
is introduced. The mean-flow resolved and subgrid parts scale with
the modified velocity defect squared, but the decay rates of the
turbulence parts are slower.
(2005), Phys. Fluids 17, 085102.
pdf article -- (©AIP,
with permission from Yi-Chih Chow, Physics of Fluids, 17, 085102
(2005). Copyright 2005, American Institute of Physics.)
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