
Principal Investigator

Jill M. Middendorf
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Johns Hopkins University
102 Latrobe Hall
3400 N. Charles St.
Baltimore, MD 21218


  • PostDoc Biomedical Engineering, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
  • Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, Cornell University 2019
  • M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Cornell University 2017
  • B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Iowa State University 2012

Postdoctoral Fellows

Mary Foltz My research focuses on (1) understanding the movement of percutaneous pins that temporarily hold fractured bones together (in the humorous, hand, and feet) and (2) developing an AI/ML algorithm to recommend spinal stenosis surgery based on clinical MRI scans. My hometown is in the Shenandoah Valley (Winchester, VA). I enjoy traveling, reading, gaming with friends, and hanging out with my family in my free time.

  • PhD in Rehabilition Science, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
  • MS in Biomedical Engineering, Universtiy of Minnesota – Twin Cities
  • BS in Biomedical Engineering and Mathematical Science, Virginia Commonwealth University

PhD Students

Kangxin Wang I am interested in understanding the mechanics of cartilage under repetitive compression and shear on a micro-scale.  My hometown is Beijing, China. In my free time, I enjoy music, reading, playing video games and practicing Kendo!

  • BS in BioEngineering, University of Pittsburgh

Craig Almeida I am working in the interdisciplinary field of biomechanics. My current work includes evaluating lumbar decompression surgeries using finite element analysis. I enjoy applying mechanical engineering principles to medicine and biology. I was born and raised in Mumbai. I spend my free time cooking and baking new recipes, doing outdoorsy stuff, stargazing, and following up on the latest cars, science, and tech. 

  • BS in Mechanical Engineering, University of Mumbai

Emma Stevens I am interested in orthopedic soft tissues, particularly in studying the mechanics of degenerative disc diseases. I apply mechanical engineering techniques to understand mechanisms behind musculoskeletal pain and drive solutions to improve the standard of care. I was born and raised in New Jersey, but am coming to Hopkins from Boston. Outside of the lab, I like spending all the time I can outdoors- running, hiking, paddling, or just reading by the water- or cooking for friends.

  • BS in Mechanical Engineering from Tufts University

Master’s Students

Undergraduate Students