Ensight is a commercial program used for post processing and visualization. We have a perpetual license for the professional. The license server is allegheny.me.jhu. To install: 1) Download the professional version for Mac OS: http://www.ceisoftware.com/download/ 2) Set the environmental variable CEI_HOME export CEI_HOME = [full_path_to_CEI directory] in .bashrc setenv CEI_HOME [full_path_to_CEI directory] in .tcsh 3) Install the slim8.key license file in $CEI_HOME/license8 A new license file must be installed each year. Contact the administrator for a new license file. If the license server is down, contact the server administrators: vicky.nguyen@jhu.edu or wzhelia1@jhu.edu to restart the server. The server administration programs are located in $CEI_HOME/license8 . To restart the server, email the administrator.