Symposium in Honor of
November 18, 2023
Johns Hopkins University
555 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC
Professor Joseph Katz is being honored for his lifelong achievements as a scholar, educator, and administrator. Joseph Katz, the William F. Ward Distinguished Professor at Johns Hopkins Whiting School of Engineering, and member of the National Academy of Engineering, is known for his outstanding contributions to engineering research, practice, and education and advances in developing optical methods in experimental fluid mechanics for turbomachinery, cavitation, turbulence, and environmental flows. Katz’s research focuses on experimental fluid mechanics and the development of advanced diagnostics techniques for laboratory and field applications. The Laboratory for Experimental Fluid Dynamics, which he directs, has studied laboratory and oceanic turbulent boundary layers, flows, and instabilities in turbomachines, flow-structure interactions, the swimming behavior of marine plankton in the laboratory and in the ocean, as well as cavitation, bubble, and droplet dynamics in different systems. He has co-authored more than 150 journal papers, 220 conference papers, several book chapters, and has seven patents. He co-founded and currently directs the Johns Hopkins Center for Environmental and Applied Fluid Mechanics. Prof. Katz is a fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and the American Physical Society (APS), and his numerous awards include the 2004 ASME Fluids Engineering Award.
This one-day scientific symposium will be held on Saturday, November 18, 2023 at 555 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC. The venue for the Symposium is a newly renovated Johns Hopkins University property which was recently opened in Fall 2023 to allow the Hopkins community to innovate, influence, and advance humanity.
The Symposium features twelve distinguished speakers:
- Alexander Smits, Princeton University, USA. “Turbulence Control and Drag Reduction: Some Recent Examples.”
- Andrea Prosperetti, University of Houston, USA. “Wrong Bubbles for Joe.”
- Charles Meneveau, Johns Hopkins University, USA. “Forward and Inverse Cascade in Turbulence.”
- Fulvio Scarano, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. “Experiment Upscaling and Data Assimilation for 3D PIV”.
- Gretar Tryggvason, Johns Hopkins University, USA. “Numerical Studies of Bubbly Flows Containing Hydrophobic Particles.”
- Howard Stone, Princeton University, USA. “New Results for the Flow of Polymer Solutions in Non-Uniform Geometries.”
- Kathleen Stebe, University of Pennsylvania, USA. “Active Surface Agents: Active Colloids at Fluid-Fluid Interfaces.”
- Kenneth Breuer, Brown University, USA. “The Rhythm of Life: Velocimetry of Cellular and Intracellular Flows.”
- Michael Triantafyllou, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. “An ‘Intelligent Towing Tank’: AI Strategies for Experimental Fluid Mechanics.”
- Morteza Gharib, California Institute of Technology, USA. “From Leonardo to Prandtl’s Particle Image Velocimetry”.
- Oguz Uzol, Middle East Technical University, Turkey. “Experiments in the Aerodynamics Laboratory of METU Center for Wind Energy Research: From Porous Discs to Gust Generation to Airfoil Aerodynamics.”
- Steve Ceccio, University of Michigan, USA. “Cavitation Inception and its Noise Emissions during the Interaction of a Pair of Line Vortices.”
We appreciate the participation and contributions of our friends, colleagues and distinguished speakers towards a memorable symposium in honor of Prof. Joseph Katz.
This event would not have been possible without the support from Johns Hopkins University and the University of Michigan. Special thanks to Dean Ed Schlesinger, Prof. Gretar Tryggvason, and Prof. Steve Ceccio for their generous support.
The Organizing Committee,
Chair: Xiaofeng Liu, San Diego State University
Vice-Chair: Steve Ceccio, University of Michigan
Rui Ni, Johns Hopkins University
Barbara Adamson, Johns Hopkins University
Jian Sheng, Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi
Jun Chen, Purdue University
Hangjian Ling, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
Luksa Luznik, United States Naval Academy
David Murphy, University of South Florida
Huixuan Wu, Florida State University
Carla Diaz, Johns Hopkins University